Your morning routine can drastically alter the rest of the day, from the health of the digestive system to your mood. Let's get straight into the 4 powerful ways to optimize your morning routine and boost your day suggested by Ali Sami Farooq .Over the years, I have developed a number of strategies to improve the health-promoting aspects of my morning routine while also helping to get into a proper state of mind. 1. "Drive You Crazy" Exercise Strategy The first and most important strategy you should use as soon as you get out of bed is what I call the "make you look crazy" exercise strategy. Whether it's jumping jack, running on site or push-ups, you just have to do some form of exercise for 30 seconds. On paper it may seem like a short period of time, but it only takes 30 seconds to help your mind completely escape its state of 'numt' that it loves so much after waking up. Bottom line: Just do some form of exercise for 30 seconds after waking up an...
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